Gloria brings her 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry as the Vice President of the Medical & Dental Mission. Gloria is charged with managing the medical retreat in Jamaica providing free medical and dental care for the underprivileged. Gloria is currently the Executive Director of Kaiser Permanente, West Los Angeles. As the Executive Director, Gloria is responsible for the day to day management of the medical center and insures its optimized performance in quality, service, and affordability. Gloria is also a member of the California Healthcare Association, American Organization of Nurse Executives, The National Black Nurses Association and the Association of California Nurse Leaders. Gloria has overseen other health missions in Jamaica and brings a tremendous amount of experience in serving healthcare needs to at risk communities. She is a graduate of St. James Mercy School of Nursing in New York, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Long Island University and a Masters of Health Administration from the University of LaVerne, in California.