By: Joan Crawford-McDonald – President –

On behalf of our Board of Directors and our entire membership of AOJAH, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website and genuinely thank you for being here and supporting our efforts.

We live in an era of many uncertainties and great extremes of wealth and poverty.  Our journey has taken on greater heights with much progress for the last 7 years and in 2017. We continue to support our low income and homeless population through our annual health and wellness event and monthly lunch program serving 150 to 200 homeless in the Skid row area. In addition, we are extremely proud of our 2 local high school scholarship recipients who graduated in June 2017.

Our 7th Medical, Eye and Education mission took 89 eager & committed volunteers to Jamaica. The week included a medical seminar. This year a glaucoma surgery team was added & 70 patients benefited from cataract and glaucoma surgeries. Many other patients received general & OB/GYN laparoscopic surgeries and approximately 2000 patients received medical care in the rural areas and 2000 had eye screenings. We are also proud of our support to young people with our various scholarships in Jamaica.

We must never forget the humble beginnings that many of us came from and that should always continue to inspire us to lift others up. We indeed have the means, the will, and ability to make a difference. Many of you have made the choice to do something to help, giving optimism to many people, which definitely brings out the best in us as human beings, and for that I continue to be truly grateful.

I again want to share my thanks and appreciation to you our supporters, sponsors, members, our Board of Directors and all our supportive and understanding families. I again invite all of you to join us in this challenging but rewarding journey of making a difference in the less fortunate lives. I will continue to strive to make AOJAH’s work the best it can be.

We look forward to 2018 with all the opportunities that await us to live up to our mission and vision.Thank you for your support and generosity.
